Intuitive Healers and Readers etc.

The Australian Spiritual Alliance (Alliance / ASA), was specifically established to recognise, acknowledge and advocate on behalf of members, being Adults operating independently or as a Group being genuine providers of intuitive spiritual goods and services in the community as a psychic, clairvoyant, medium, healer, minister or group, etc. This objective includes the intuitive forms of Health services including Natural and Indigenous Therapies, Traditional and Complimentary Medicine, Spiritual Research and Investigation, Intuitive Healers and Readers, Teachers and Facilitators who provide guidance and assistance to enable a person to develop at their own pace without fear or intrepidation.

The ASA Aims and Objectives do not cause conflict with any other intuitive organisation or group and actually encourages and seeks their co-operation.

Currently the Fraternity being as independent as it is and unregulated includes intuitive goods and service providers operating as Sole Traders, Groups or Businesses who must declare they operate “For Entertainment Purposes” and support themselves in any legal dealings with Branches of Government if they become a person of interest by –
  * State Health Complaints Commission (HCCC)
  * State and Federal Consumer Protection Laws (DFT)
  * State and Federal Workplace Health and Safety Laws (WorkCover)
  * ACCC , TGA, etc.
  *any other Legal matters, including Child Care Standards.

Under most circumstances an intuitive service provider confronted with legal issues would need good and appropriate advice, a healthy bank balance and an alternate income source –
be prepared, proactive and forearmed by being a member of the ASA.

Membership of the ASA changes these circumstances and legal status at the point when a member states their Membership of the ASA before they provide any intuitive service or activity.

The Spiritual Fraternity has been unregulated and independent for many years. The ASA changes all this to provide legal status and legal protection to members.

“We will not impose our way of life but we will shine for others to follow”